On July 7, RiverTree Vision Leader, Jason Lantz informed the RiverTree Jackson congregation that a major pastoral staff leadership change had occurred in removing the Lead Pastor and the Associate Pastor from their staff roles. 

This page is meant to be a space to share updates in this interim season for the committed congregation who may have been out of town and unable to attend in person to hear the announcement during Sunday services.
On Sunday, July 6, an email announcement from Pastor Jason was sent to the emails listed in our church database as active adult attendees. We understand not everyone attends every Sunday. Email is one of the best ways we can communicate quickly, reliably, and widely beyond Sunday Services. Emails with updates regarding this interim season will continue to be used to communicate to the congregation. If you do not currently receive email updates and would like to be included, please complete the digital connect card below or fill out a Connect Card found in the seat back pockets on Sundays.
The RiverTree Elders are mature and committed leaders within our church family and community.  RiverTree's model is described as "Staff-led and Elder-protected." The collective guidance and wisdom of the Elder Team is always invaluable, especially in times of hardship. They stand with and for the entire RiverTree Movement of churches. We're grateful for the ways they serve mostly behind the scenes however, we have planned for them to have a more public presence in this interim season during Sunday Services. Direct further questions to our head Elder, Mike Gallina, below.
The outpouring of support for the families and our staff has been such a blessingWe know this is a shock to everyone. We are navigating the same emotions alongside you, but know that our team is strong and competent to continue to serve the church. Sunday services, ministries, and events will continue as planned.  We have also heard from many of you asking how you can best help right now. Prayer is the greatest and most powerful way everyone can show support. If there is a specific way you'd like to bless the families involved or serve the church, please email our Jackson Staff team below.


It is important that we work together to communicate updates throughout the search process that our leadership team is navigating for the next RiverTree Jackson Lead Pastor.

We need your prayers! 
Prayer Prompts will be updated monthly below.

We are currently in Phase 2!
Our Search Team is actively in the process of reviewing candidate profiles in partnership with our national search firm, Slingshot Group.

Important updates will be posted here and shared with the congregation as available.

If you know someone you think would be a great Lead Pastor,  direct them here or share the position link below.