Meet the team.

Brian Grow
Lead Pastor
Jen and I are thrilled to be the new pastors of RiverTree Jackson. In addition to the love we have for our kids, Jen and I love two things desperately: Jesus and His Church. And the third would probably be coffee! When it was clear that God was beginning to open the door to this opportunity, our hearts began to feel a powerful tug. Jen calls it "being grafted into a family," and I describe it as a divine call from heaven. Either way, we know that we know that serving Jesus and His church in Northeast Ohio is His perfect will for our lives. We also know that God has already formed an incredible team of leaders and volunteers who believe in the vision of River Tree with all their hearts. We do too! So we are jumping in with everything we have, knowing that amazing days of loving Jesus and seeing lives changed for Him lie ahead. Always remember, Christ in you is the hope of the world.