At RiverTree Jackson, we prioritize authentic relationships. You need others, and they need you!
Here you will find information on various ministries for you to get involved with.


Ages 18-32

The goal of our Young Adults ministry is for college students and young adults to
experience community and the tangible presence of Jesus.  In addition to unique trips and gatherings like heading off to Cedar Point, we meet weekly on Thursday evenings! Check the schedule out below:
Have questions? Contact Eric Ginanni, Director of Young Adult Ministry


Women ages 18-118

Our Women's Ministry is for all women who are ready to get connected and go deeper in their faith while getting to develop realtionships with other women. Be on the lookout for yearly events like our Ladies Christmas Tea! Our Women's Ministry is taking a break for the Summer, but will resume with weekly studies in the Fall. Stay tuned for that calendar!
Email Danielle Harper


Men of all ages and stages

Our Men's Minsitry is full of men who are passionate about growing in their faith and discipling those around them. Our growing Men's Ministry currently has yearly events and gets together three times a month for their group called "Fireproof".
See upcoming events below:
Have questions? Contact Eric Ginnani, Director of Men's Ministry.

Looking for more?

Look into joining a RiverTree Jackson Group! This is an intimate setting, with targeted needs, to foster life-giving relationships that lead us closer to Jesus. Click below to find a variety of healthy groups that are full of encouragement, help, growth, and fun!